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During the fetch stage intitially the address of the next instruction from the program counter(PC) is loaded into the memory address register(MAR). This address is then sent via the address bus to main me...
In an n-bit two's complement representation scheme, the amount of numbers we can represent is 2n - 1. In 12- bit, it's 1111 1111 1111, or 4095 in decimal. The largest positive ...
Using the Two's complement notation of -3 and 3 (11111101 and 00000011), binary addition will return 100000000 which has an overflow error, so the 9th bit is ignored giving a value of 00000000 which is eq...
Motivation -> We need operating systems to give easy access to the hardware of a computer. A processor (CPU) can only execute one instruction at a time, yet we can have multiple applications run...
RISC has a reduced instruction set where each instruction can be executed in a single clock cycle. This means that programs often are longer to the developer but are more easily executable on lower powere...
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