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I intend to show Alan’s religious dedication to the horses through juxtaposingAlan’s physicality before and after the ‘horses’ enter the stage. I will begin the extract upstage right at ¼ profile right, m...
Stanislavski used circles of attention as an acting technique to aid characterisation. all three are achieved through FOCUS and CONCENTRATION The first circle involves concentrating on the self, it provid...
As I director I would create a direct comparison between Nora and Torvald and Mrs Linde and Krogstad. There is a large amount of secrecy between both characters, however it is the contrast which sheds lig...
Naturalism was first introduced by Konstantin Stanislavsky in the late 19th century. It pioneered the idea of theatre mimicking real life.
Something important to remember when considering Brecht's techniques for making theatre, is that he was an advocate for communism as a result of the horrors he witnessed in WW1 in Germany serving as a med...
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