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Romans were military people who saw the readiness to risk one's life first for the Republic, and later on for the Empire, as one of the greatest qualities. They were supposed to be able to go through extr...
First of all, you need to remember about 3 paragraphs that your essay needs to be made of. These are: WSTĘP (introduction), ROZWINIĘCIE (main part), and ZAKOŃCZENIE (conclusion). In the first part your jo...
Polish surnames are adjectival, meaning that they behave like adjectives in a sentence. Because of the gender-agreement between nouns and adjectives, an adjective will sometimes change the final vowel dep...
I will quote the part of the Polish text from the past paper here and translate it to English in the second paragraph: "Legendarny peron 93/4 i Hogwarts Express to nowe elementy w ekspozycji Harry’eg...
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