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Break down the question:Discuss = tell me more about...Advantages = good reasons for use/benefitsDelegated Legislation = secondary legislation/Legislation passed by Government Ministers (or other bodies) ...
ADR can be seen as a more effective method of resolving legal issues as the issue can be settled outside of court. Some main examples of ADR are: Mediation, Arbitration, Conciliation, Tribunals and Negoti...
Judicial precedent allows for certainty in the law, this means that the law can be predictable and transparent when being applied to situations. Judicial precedent can be flexible...
We establish factual causation using the 'but for' test. We have to be able to say that 'but for' the Defendant's actions, the victim would not have been injured. For example, in the case of Pagett, 'but ...
Firstly, we are dealing here with offences against the person. Assault actually splits into 2 categories - a common assault and a battery. These both come under common law. This is important, because it m...
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