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Aquinas argued that the complexity of the world and the way that it functions is specific that it must have been made by a creator. In other words, there is such low likelihood that the world would be con...
Explain the claim, then evaluate: Evidence of design in the world such as the complexity of the human eye, or the Fibonacci sequence displayed in nautilus shells.This complexity and intelligence observabl...
The Euthyphro dilemma is an issue from Plato's Euthyphro dialogue. It is a problem concerning whether things are morally obligatory because of their nature, or because God (or gods) will them. Socrates as...
Both rule utilitarianism and act utilitarianism adhere to the utility principle, but differ on the best wayto achieve its aims. They both seek to judge action ‘according to the tendency which it appears t...
Philosophy is a subject that needs a structural understanding. This means that to develop knowledge over Plato's Republic, for example, one needs to understand not just his political views, but also what ...
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