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This is a partial response for you to read and get a feel for the type of response examiners are looking for. This extract is around a 4A in the BMAT mark scheme. With today's surg...
Firstly it is essential to plan. There are 3 parts to this question like almost every BMAT essay question. It is vital that you answer the question to score highly.In the first paragraph explain the...
There are a few key things to remember when writing A BMAT essay. First of all, always plan - you have plenty of time and can only use that one sheet of paper. Second of all, you should always give a conc...
((4/12)(5/11)) + ((5/12)(4/11)) =((1/3)(5/11)) + ((5/12)(4/11)) =((1/3)(5/11)) + ((5/3)(1/11)) =5/33 + 5/33 =10/33
Don't worry - it is very common to be unsure about the Physics section of BMAT, especially if you haven't taken it for A Level. However, there are a few clear steps you can put into place to achieve. Firs...
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