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The MLAT tests your knowledge of your chosen language’s skills and how you approach learning a language rather than your knowledge of a particular cultural topic. Practise doing translations to and from E...
Elle joue DU piano.The issue here is: using prepositions You normally JOUER + Àand should know that this is because Jouer is a verb that takes the preposition à before a noun or infinitiveso to answer thi...
The LAT can be quite intimidating given that it's a made up language which seems nothing like the language you're studying at school. However, like all languages, the made-up one has rules which you can w...
The focus of the MLAT is less about testing your knowledge of pre-learned material and more about seeing how you react to new material on the spot. That said, I would absolutely recommend going through as...
These verbs sound the same, but they don't mean the same. "Κλείνω" means "to close" and it can be used in different contexts. For instance, we say &qu...
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