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Some points to think about:Music is a temporal art form whereas visual arts are often staticThey both (at least in the Western classical tradition) place weight on the composer/artist, often deriving part...
This is an example of a scientific question at an Oxbridge medical interview. The purpose of this type of question is to assess whether you have the ability to work something unfamiliar from first princip...
Gerard Manley Hopkins is frequently referred to as one of the three or four ‘best’ Victorian poets. When describing art, the descriptor ‘best’ is subjective, as is ‘simplest’ – making either contention tr...
"Revolutions are like earthquakes." The words of Jack Goldstone allows us to view revolutions as unpredictable and complex processes. He argues that when they occur, they can often be a shock to...
i. A circle of radius 1 centred on the origin.ii. No longer restricted to -1 <= x,y <= 1, so its a quarter circle, then it goes off to infinity towards the asymptote x = -y.iii. Restricted to that ...
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