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Online lessons

Handpicked tutors from £20/hour

We’re very (very) picky about who we let tutor on our platform - just 1 in 8 who apply make the cut. They’re experts in over 30 subjects from KS2 up to GCSE and A Level. Because they’re from UK unis, they studied (and aced) the same courses as your teen in the last few years. So they explain tricky concepts in a way teens understand - and they double as cool older role models.

Handpicked tutors

Trusted by parents & teachers

MyTutor is the UK’s most trusted tutoring platform by parents. We’re rated 4.9/5 on Trustpilot from the million (and counting!) lessons we’ve delivered so far.

And because our tutors get such good results, schools use them to support their teaching. We work with 650+ across the UK, targeting learning gaps and helping teens everywhere achieve their goals.

Trusted by teachers

Help from our team, every step of the way

Our expert tutor-matching team can pair your child with the perfect tutor for their needs - from subject and level, right down to exam board and personality match. They’re always on hand to listen, answer questions and give you the tailored support you need.

Fun lessons

Our interactive learning space makes lessons engaging

Lessons are much more than a video call. They all happen in our tailor-made, interactive lesson space. So tutors can bring tricky concepts to life with interactive exercises, draw diagrams as they go, plus annotate homework and practice questions together. It can even make dreaded subjects - dare we say it - fun.

Thousands of parents, students and teachers have rated us 4.9/5


Natalya M. Parent

"It is SO positive to have a mentor in the same peer group and really understanding what it's like to be a student now . Our tutor has really helped with both exam technique and confidence."


Sharon T. Parent

"Millie achieved an A in chemistry! We are thrilled as she was predicted a D in February. Thank you so much for your help and support."


Natasha T. Parent

"Having a peer mentor made a huge difference to my daughter: built her confidence, motivated her and gave her the tools and belief that she could do it. And she did! She’s off to university in September, thank you!"


Damian B.Deputy headteacher

“MyTutor is a core part of our intervention strategy. In 2017, we achieved record results and were the second most improved school in the country”


Clare T.Pupil Premium Coordinator

“One-to-one tuition gives students the chance to develop confidence and ask questions that they wouldn’t feel comfortable asking in a classroom setting”


Michelle O.Deputy head

“MyTutor enables our students to work at their own pace, at their own level, and have that one-to-one tuition that they need to take them forward.”


SharleenGCSE Student

“When I’m having tutoring, I get to be alone in my own space and I can ask any question I want without anyone interrupting me”


PhoebeA-level Student

“I like MyTutor because I get one-to-one support which I don’t get in a classroom of 30 kids”


TomGCSE Student

“I really enjoy learning with my tutor every week. She builds my confidence up – if I get something wrong, she tells me where I went wrong and how to do it better.”

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