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Tailored online tutoring that brings out the best in every student
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Review your personally-matched tutors, meet for a free Study Plan Consultation, and see who you connect with the most.
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Select a flexible learning plan and secure your tutor for consistent one-to-one support. Your learning journey’s ready to begin!
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On average, students improve by a grade within 6 lessons. And 90% say they feel more confident, too!
Relatable tutors, personally matched
All tutors have taught in schools, are DBS-checked, and know how to ace exams. And thanks to our unique matching system, we make sure every student finds one they’ll click with. That’s probably why our students rate them 4.9/5!
Online learning that fits around you
Forget about travel time and last minute cleaning. We take the classroom to your living room. Fit lessons around your schedule, message tutors outside of class, and enjoy uninterrupted learning – no matter what.
Get set – go!
We know you have a lot to think about right now. That’s why we’re here to take the pressure off.

Every learning plan starts with a free Study Plan Consultation. When you're ready, choose when you want your lessons and get started with your own one-to-one learning plan.
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People are talking about us
Great, Flexible Tutoring Service. This has been fantastic for us. A flexible arrangement, track progress and send messages to the tutor. We have had three tutors from the site now and they have all been brilliant.
I have been taking classes with Clorrie for almost two years and she’s never let me down. She is always there to help. I like her advice and comments – it really helped me to improve. She is so patient and very generous with her time and I know this not always easy considering our life and work obligations.
There was a pupil disengaged in class but now she has engaged with MyT, she comes to school with a purpose and shows us her books of notes. She may not pass or even remember it later but it's giving her confidence that she can do it.
Oasis Academy
I would like to name my daughter’s tutor Rahmah! She is kind, fun, and they just get along. My daughter gets a really educational and packed lesson in maths every week, which is helping her in the tougher subjects like algebra. The cost is excellent value for money. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend MyTutor. My daughter really enjoys her lessons. Thank you :)
A unique learning experience, endorsed by over 1,500 schools
Build momentum and progress fast
Every student’s MyTutor journey is unique. First, tutors carefully identify their strengths and weaknesses. Then, they practise, filling gaps and building confidence. At every stage, we measure the student’s progress towards their goals and report on their achievements and future focus areas. The more you do, the more momentum builds up, and the more effective it is.
Learn anywhere with the UK’s most established online tutoring platform
Our interactive lesson space, 24/7 access to revision support, and bank of lesson recordings means every lesson sticks.

And there really are no limits to learning. Classes are available anywhere, (almost) anytime. So no matter where you’re studying, you can count on quality teaching that’s focused on you.
Meet an approachable tutor, hand-picked for you
Aimee S.
Biology tutor
I am now studying for my Doctorate in Quantum Biology at the University of Surrey. Learning the processes occurring inside your body and the plants around you in biology has always fascinated me and I enjoy sharing that passion. Outside of my degree I am involved in college rowing.
Kostas K.
Maths tutor
Currently, I am in the final year of my Mechanical Engineering masters degree at the University of Bristol. Over the last 5-6 years I have taken part in many exams and have gotten to grips with the techniques and methods examiners use to assess and critique tests.
Lizzie J.
Physics tutor
I believe hard work will always pay off. I was never naturally gifted but now I have a masters in Physics. I have learnt how to break challenging concepts down into simple steps or explanations. I understand how challenging maths and physics concepts can be but there's always lots of ways to understand the same thing.
Ifrah O.
Chemistry tutor
A study tip I always live by: alternate between topics. Some topics are linked and so by alternating, you're more likely to recall information more easily and quicker, improving your timing and tackle questions where you'll need to apply your knowledge.
Rafe A.
Biology tutor
I'm currently a medical student studying at Barts and The London. I teach GCSE Maths and GCSE/A-Level Chemistry and Biology. I'm passionate about teaching maths and science since it is vital in the field of medicine. Not only that – science and maths is important in many different careers and fields.
Mihai F.
Maths tutor
I am a licensed pilot/ aerospace engineering graduate (First Class Honours), but most importantly I am eagerly looking to tutor and academically inspire students. I have previously tutored for schools in the disadvantaged areas of Greater Manchester. Seeing all the merits and vices of different educational systems made me value good education.
Any questions?
Can online lessons really be as good as face to face ones?
How do tutors qualify to teach with MyTutor?
How do I know I’ll find the right tutor?
What makes MyTutor so effective?
How do tutoring plans work?
200,000+ students
use MyTutor to improve their grades and confidence
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