Looking for Maths tutors in Leicester?

If you are looking for a private Maths tutor in Leicester, you are in the right place, we have an amazing selection of personally interviewed tutors who are here to help.

We're rated 4.96/5 by parents, students and teachers from the millions of lessons we've delivered

      Sam B.

      £49 / hr

      Durham University - Physics and Chemistry (Integrated Masters)

      Maths can feel like a real block for many students (including myself when I studied GCSE). I will help students find their own ways to understand the material!

      Also Offers: Chemistry Physics

      £49 / hr


      Notes174 reviews

      Calendar1623 completed lessons

      Georgie M.

      £49 / hr

      Southampton University - Criminology (Bachelors)

      Boost your GCSE Maths confidence with expert tutoring! Clear explanations, exam tips & personalised support to help you succeed. Book a session today!

      Also Offers: Psychology

      £49 / hr


      Notes34 reviews

      Calendar1295 completed lessons

      Rajveer S.

      £49 / hr

      De Montfort University - Biomedical science (Bachelors)

      Approachable, confident and hard working Biomedical Science student who really enjoy teaching and sharing her scientific knowledge by providing different types

      £49 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar766 completed lessons

      Oladayo O.

      £39 / hr

      Loughborough University - Chemical engineering (Doctorate)

      Postgraduate who studied mechanical and chemical engineering. I am very experienced in tutoring students and undergraduates in maths and science subjects

      £39 / hr


      Notes42 reviews

      Calendar523 completed lessons

      Chat with support

      Need help finding a Maths tutor in Leicester?

      Give our tutor experts a call and they’ll find you the perfect Maths tutor.

      +44 (0) 203 773 6024

      Charlie D.

      £65 / hr

      Durham University - History (Bachelors)

      Current Durham University History student that was highly successful at GCSE and A-Levels. Hi there! I'm Charlie and I am offering tutoring students in History, English, Maths and French at a variety of levels. Having recently done my exams, I...

      Also Offers: English English Language French+ 1 other


      £65 / hr


      Notes35 reviews

      Calendar435 completed lessons

      Manuel T.

      £33 / hr

      York University - Accounting, Business Finance and Management (Bachelors)

      I am a very passionate person who loves helping others understand things that are hard to understand. I will try my best to put it into simpler terms so that it is easier to understand. I am so quite an open induvial. I listen carefully and respon...

      Also Offers: Biology Chemistry Physics Science

      £33 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar172 completed lessons

      Aran D.

      £39 / hr

      University College London University - Medicine (Bachelors)

      Also Offers: Biology Chemistry+ 3 others

      English Language
      English Literature

      £39 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar34 completed lessons

      Adam M.

      £33 / hr

      Nottingham University - Physics (Bachelors)

      I believe Maths is one of the most important subjects for all people no matter what they go into later in life. It's my personal favourite subject to teach.

      Also Offers: Biology Chemistry Physics

      £33 / hr


      Notes1 review

      Calendar11 completed lessons

      How our lesson space works

      Our lesson space is packed with useful tools. Talk face-to-face with video chat, share files, collaborate on problems and even playback tutorials.

      Hassan R.

      £33-35 / hr

      Kings College London University - Medicine (Bachelors)

      Having achieved a 9 and A* at GCSE and A-Level respectively, I am confident in teaching the toughest topics from each Edexcel syllabus through many techniques

      Also Offers: Biology Chemistry+ 3 others

      Medical School Preparation
      Personal Statements

      £33-35 / hr


      Notes1 review

      Calendar59 completed lessons

      Emma F.

      £25 / hr

      Lancaster University - Accounting and Finance (Bachelors)

      Hi, I'm Emma and I’m currently studying Accounting and Finance at Lancaster. I love helping people to achieve their goals.

      Also Offers: Economics+ 1 other

      Extended Project Qualification

      £25 / hr


      Notes4 reviews

      Calendar24 completed lessons

      Other parents and students in Leicester have found great online Maths tutors

      Bethany G.

      Brilliant lesson again, covered all the topics I was struggling with, great tutor! definitely would recommend!


      Fern Parent from Leicester

      Liam C.

      Liam is very helpful and is good at teaching me things I dont know. I feel like I learn a lot from Liam


      Narinder Parent from Leicester

      Phoebe F.

      she was really kind and nice and she helped me when i was stuck i really like her and cant wait to do more lessons with her again


      Kiran Parent from Leicester

      Lucy R.

      Lucy has helped our daughter to build her confidence and speed with Maths. She is much happier now and continues to improve with every lesson.


      Kul Parent from Leicester

      Chloe U.

      Chloe is very professional, patient and approachable , she is able to explain things in an understandable way, overall had a great lesson. ...


      Eleni Parent from Leicester

      Amanda M.

      Amanda tutored my son for about 6 months during lockdown. He was never on course to pass and has passed with a grade 4. Amanda was extremely...


      Megan Parent from Leicester

      Schools and universities in Leicester trust us too

      As part of our nationwide Schools Programme, we deliver one-to-one support in schools near Leicester to target pupils’ learning gaps and complement the curriculum. Our lessons are a timetabled feature and pupils who have tuition with us improve by +1.7 grades on average.

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