Looking for tutors in Liverpool?

If you’re in need of a private tutor in Liverpool, you’re in the right place. At MyTutor, we have a great selection of personally interviewed tutors from Liverpool and top-rated universities. They can support learning and boost your teen’s confidence across plenty of subjects, for KS2, GCSE and A Level.

We're rated 4.96/5 by parents, students and teachers from the millions of lessons we've delivered

      Elena B. Premium

      Elena B.

      £65 / hr

      St Edmund Hall, Oxford University - Biochemistry (Integrated Masters)

      Experienced Science and Maths tutor ready to help you improve your GCSE or A-level grades.!

      Offers: Biology Chemistry+ 1 other

      Personal Statements

      £65 / hr


      Notes392 reviews

      Calendar2794 completed lessons

      Arian S.

      £33 / hr

      Queen Mary University - Economics (Bachelors)

      With top grades and real-world financial experience, I’ll help you master your studying, boost confidence, and ace your exams.

      Offers: Economics Maths Physics

      £33 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar39 completed lessons

      Anna E.

      £65 / hr

      Leeds University - History (Bachelors)

      Hello! My name is Anna and I am currently studying History at the University of Leeds. I am passionate about learning and teaching and have been from a young age, from studying for the 11 plus exams to revising hard for my A levels. I love studyin...

      Offers: English Language History

      £65 / hr


      Notes85 reviews

      Calendar506 completed lessons

      Becca C.

      £65 / hr

      Sheffield University - English Literature (Bachelors)

      Russel Group tutor with three years of experience, delivering personalised lessons to students from KS2 to A-level

      Offers: English English Language+ 1 other

      English Literature

      £65 / hr


      Notes253 reviews

      Calendar2112 completed lessons

      Chat with support

      Looking for something more specific in Liverpool?

      Give our tutor experts a call and they’ll find you the perfect match.

      +44 (0) 203 773 6024

      Emmanuella A.

      £33 / hr

      Manchester University - Biomedical Science with Integrated Masters (Integrated Masters)

      Currently studying Biomedical Science with Industrial Placement at the University of Manchester. During Sixth Form, I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about Biology and Chemistry, achieving A in both. I achieved A*-A in both my maths and science a...

      Offers: Biology Chemistry Maths Science

      £33 / hr


      Notes158 reviews

      Calendar1139 completed lessons

      Ella S.

      £39 / hr

      Edinburgh University - Medicine (Bachelors)

      I am a second-year medical student at the University of Edinburgh. I achieved all A* at A-level and 9 9's at GCSE. I have tutored students in a range of subjects previously, including A-level and GCSE biology, A-level and GCSE chemistry, GCSE ...

      Offers: Biology Chemistry English+ 3 others

      English Language

      £39 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar81 completed lessons

      Azed B.

      £25 / hr

      Kings College London University - Physics and Philosophy (Bachelors)

      I'm currently a first year Physics and Philosophy student and the challenging exam period as well as using this platform countless times as a student is still quite fresh in my memory! I'd love to share the knowledge and experience that I&...

      Offers: Maths Physics

      £25 / hr

      GuaranteeMyTutor guarantee

      Harsa G.

      £49-51 / hr

      Birmingham University - Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (MEng) (Masters)

      Ensuring students achieving their goals is my number 1 priority during the lesson; big or small.

      Offers: Biology Chemistry English Maths+ 2 others


      £49-51 / hr


      Notes25 reviews

      Calendar234 completed lessons

      How our lesson space works

      Our lesson space is packed with useful tools. Talk face-to-face with video chat, share files, collaborate on problems and even playback tutorials.

      Naghman N.

      £65 / hr

      Leicester University - Physics with Astrophysics (Bachelors)

      Offers: Chemistry English+ 4 others

      English Language
      English Literature

      £65 / hr


      Notes2 reviews

      Calendar11 completed lessons

      Eshal M.

      £33 / hr

      Leeds University - Economics (Bachelors)

      BSc of Economics student at the University of Leeds, with innovative and clear methods to explain hard concepts to students.

      Offers: Business Studies

      £33 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar112 completed lessons

      Other parents and students in Liverpool have found great online tutors

      Dr Edosa O.

      Edosa is a good tutor, every time when I'm lost with any mathematical stuffs, he helps me and makes me understand everything easily. Thanks, Edosa!!


      H Parent from Liverpool

      Chizute O.

      Great prepared lessons that are explained clearly and enthusiastically. These tutoring lessons are very beneficial and helpful to any studen...


      Giby Parent from Liverpool

      Aarti P.

      very pleasant to work with and exactly what i needed, she was very nice to talk to and was exactly what i needed for my subject


      Teresa Parent from Wallasey, Wirral

      Sam F.

      wonderful to work with, an extremely nice tutor and someone i would highly recommend. has been a great help for my support with exams and ha...


      Teresa Parent from Wallasey, Wirral

      Caitlin B.

      Amazing, even though I kept forgetting because I have short-term memory and dyslexia, she went through the methods of each question with me ...


      Jayne Parent from Birkenhead

      Muhammad A.

      Fantastic tutor with a keen eye for detail. Very knowledgeable and breaks down the learning into easy to understand and precise chunks. Will...


      Paul Parent from Liverpool

      Schools and universities in Liverpool trust us too

      As part of our nationwide Schools Programme, we deliver one-to-one support in schools near Liverpool to target pupils’ learning gaps and complement the curriculum. Our lessons are a timetabled feature and pupils who have tuition with us improve by +1.7 grades on average.

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