Looking for Chemistry tutors in Nottingham?

If you are looking for a private Chemistry tutor in Nottingham, you are in the right place, we have an amazing selection of personally interviewed tutors who are here to help.

We're rated 4.96/5 by parents, students and teachers from the millions of lessons we've delivered

      Samuel B.

      £65 / hr

      St Catherine's College, Oxford University - Graduate-Entry Medicine (Bachelors)

      Friendly medical student at the University of Oxford. I'm passionate about teaching science, and enjoy helping students of all abilities

      Also Offers: Biology Maths+ 1 other

      Personal Statements

      £65 / hr


      Notes109 reviews

      Calendar982 completed lessons

      Laura P.

      Laura P.

      £49-51 / hr

      Kings College London University - Clinical Pharmacology (Masters)

      I specialise in help with homework, if you are looking for a tutor to assist in guiding you through homework questions, feel free to send me a message :)

      Also Offers: Biology Physics

      £49-51 / hr


      Notes198 reviews

      Calendar2890 completed lessons

      Nikita J.

      £49 / hr

      Manchester University - medicine (Bachelors)

      Enthusiastic Medical Student wanting to encourage students to reach their goals!

      Also Offers: Biology Physics Spanish

      £49 / hr


      Notes119 reviews

      Calendar521 completed lessons

      Hilary I.

      £39 / hr

      Durham University - General engineering (Integrated Masters)

      My name is Hilary and I’m currently studying Meng Electronic Engineering in Durham University. I have tutored previously in Maths, English and Triple science GCSE and all students passed with flying colours and exceeded their predicted grades by a...

      Also Offers: Maths

      £39 / hr


      Notes41 reviews

      Calendar418 completed lessons

      Chat with support

      Need help finding a Chemistry tutor in Nottingham?

      Give our tutor experts a call and they’ll find you the perfect Chemistry tutor.

      +44 (0) 203 773 6024

      Christy J.

      £25 / hr

      Birmingham University - Biomedical Science (Bachelors)

      Pharmacy studying at University Of Birmingham. Did A levels Chemistry, Biology and Maths.

      Also Offers: Biology Maths

      £25 / hr


      Notes18 reviews

      Calendar178 completed lessons

      Henry U.

      £33 / hr

      Warwick University - Maths and Physics (Integrated Masters)

      My name is Henry. I chose to study Mathematics and Physics as i enjoy tackling difficult problems and love discovering all the unique complexities that both maths and physics have. I find it interesting how both maths and physics can be used to de...

      Also Offers: Physics

      £33 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar61 completed lessons

      Samuel O.

      £33 / hr

      Surrey University - Computer science (Bachelors)

      I wish to provide students with the support I wish I had. With a solid foundation in A-level Maths, Chemistry, and Biology, I aim to tailor my teaching methods to each individual student so that they can and help them build confidence so that they

      Also Offers: Biology Maths

      £33 / hr


      Notes19 reviews

      Calendar240 completed lessons

      Josh C.

      £25 / hr

      Leeds University - Medicine and Surgery (Bachelors)

      Patient high quality teaching adapted for all students, in a range of subjects including maths and science.

      Also Offers: Biology Geography Maths

      £25 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar15 completed lessons

      How our lesson space works

      Our lesson space is packed with useful tools. Talk face-to-face with video chat, share files, collaborate on problems and even playback tutorials.

      Fatimah G.

      £33 / hr

      Leicester University - Medicine (Bachelors)

      Hi, I'm Fatimah, I'm currently a fourth year medical student, who is incredibly passionate about English. Ive received two 9's and an A* for GCSEs and A-levels.

      Also Offers: Biology English Language+ 1 other

      English Literature

      £33 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar80 completed lessons

      Sadat A.

      £39 / hr

      Warwick University - Economic Studies and Global Sustainable Development (Bachelors)

      Also Offers: Biology Economics+ 5 others

      English Language
      English Literature

      £39 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar90 completed lessons

      Other parents and students in Nottingham have found great online Chemistry tutors

      William K.

      Really great teacher. He was able to boost my confidence with chemistry even with limited time. I highly recommend.


      Kehinde Parent from Nottingham

      Lucy S.

      Highly recommend Lucy! I have never left a lesson not understanding what I've been taught and she always takes the time to go through things...


      Cathrine Parent from Nottingham

      Alexander C.

      Alexander is perfect for anyone who needs a confidence boost in chemistry - he explains things thoroughly and clearly and will answer any qu...


      Alex Parent from Nottingham

      Kiana N.

      Really good, helped me to retain information with good review and practicing of what I've learnt in class.


      Stefanie Parent from Derby

      Asha V.

      Asha has really helped me with my Biology and Chemistry concepts, which has allowed me to keep on top of class work and secure my understand...


      Ruchika Parent from Mansfield

      Rochelle A.

      Rochelle is a very friendly, and amazing tutor. She explains everything in a very easy to understand way.


      Maariyaah Parent from Derby

      Schools and universities in Nottingham trust us too

      As part of our nationwide Schools Programme, we deliver one-to-one support in schools near Nottingham to target pupils’ learning gaps and complement the curriculum. Our lessons are a timetabled feature and pupils who have tuition with us improve by +1.7 grades on average.

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