Looking for tutors in Sunderland?

If you are looking for a private tutor in Sunderland, you are in the right place, we have an amazing selection of personally interviewed tutors who are here to help.

We're rated 4.96/5 by parents, students and teachers from the millions of lessons we've delivered

      James G.

      James G.

      £65 / hr

      Warwick University - Mathematical Physics (Doctorate)

      Graduate student at the University of Warwick with 6 years of MyTutor experience working with A-Level/GCSE maths and physics students.

      Offers: Maths Physics

      £65 / hr


      Notes407 reviews

      Calendar2930 completed lessons

      Arian S.

      £33 / hr

      Queen Mary University - Economics (Bachelors)

      With top grades and real-world financial experience, I’ll help you master your studying, boost confidence, and ace your exams.

      Offers: Economics Maths Physics

      £33 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar39 completed lessons

      Anna E.

      £65 / hr

      Leeds University - History (Bachelors)

      Hello! My name is Anna and I am currently studying History at the University of Leeds. I am passionate about learning and teaching and have been from a young age, from studying for the 11 plus exams to revising hard for my A levels. I love studyin...

      Offers: English Language History

      £65 / hr


      Notes85 reviews

      Calendar506 completed lessons

      Ishali R.

      Ishali R.

      £65-67 / hr

      Nottingham University - Medicine (Bachelors)

      Friendly and approachable medical student. Keen to help students achieve their full academic capability. Focus on catering lessons to students' learning styles.

      Offers: Biology Chemistry Maths Physics+ 2 others


      £65-67 / hr


      Notes208 reviews

      Calendar1258 completed lessons

      Chat with support

      Looking for something more specific in Sunderland?

      Give our tutor experts a call and they’ll find you the perfect match.

      +44 (0) 203 773 6024

      Emmanuella A.

      £33 / hr

      Manchester University - Biomedical Science with Integrated Masters (Integrated Masters)

      Currently studying Biomedical Science with Industrial Placement at the University of Manchester. During Sixth Form, I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about Biology and Chemistry, achieving A in both. I achieved A*-A in both my maths and science a...

      Offers: Biology Chemistry Maths Science

      £33 / hr


      Notes158 reviews

      Calendar1139 completed lessons

      Azed B.

      £25 / hr

      Kings College London University - Physics and Philosophy (Bachelors)

      I'm currently a first year Physics and Philosophy student and the challenging exam period as well as using this platform countless times as a student is still quite fresh in my memory! I'd love to share the knowledge and experience that I&...

      Offers: Maths Physics

      £25 / hr

      GuaranteeMyTutor guarantee

      Simran K.

      £25 / hr

      Warwick University - Politics and International Studies (Bachelors)

      Offers: English English Language+ 1 other


      £25 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar22 completed lessons

      Amelia K.

      £39 / hr

      Queen Mary University - BEng Mechanical Engineering (Bachelors)

      Hello! I'm Amelia, currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering at Queen Mary University of London.

      Offers: Maths

      £39 / hr


      Notes5 reviews

      Calendar304 completed lessons

      How our lesson space works

      Our lesson space is packed with useful tools. Talk face-to-face with video chat, share files, collaborate on problems and even playback tutorials.

      Eshal M.

      £33 / hr

      Leeds University - Economics (Bachelors)

      BSc of Economics student at the University of Leeds, with innovative and clear methods to explain hard concepts to students.

      Offers: Business Studies

      £33 / hr

      BookTrusted by schools

      Calendar112 completed lessons

      Helen T.

      £25 / hr

      Exeter University - English and Creative Writing (Bachelors)

      Enthusiastic and friendly English and Creative Writing undergraduate with experience working in education. I share my love of learning with all my students!

      Offers: English Language+ 1 other

      English Literature

      £25 / hr


      Notes1 review

      Calendar23 completed lessons

      Other parents and students in Sunderland have found great online tutors

      Nils M.

      Nils has been a fabulous tutor to my son for a couple of months now. My son absolutely loves his sessions and has learned so much from Nils....


      Jackie Parent from Washington

      Haleem A.

      Haleem tutored my son for his GCSE. Would highly recommend Haleem. He was absolutely excellent, covered everything my son needed, and explai...


      Jackie Parent from Washington

      Andrew G.

      Pleasure to work with. He has helped me out a great deal and explains things very thoroughly while keeping it in terms i can wrap my head ar...


      Rhys Parent from Washington

      Atiqa S.

      Atiqa, has been an amazing tutor, given where I started. I would highly recommend her as a tutor. Atiqa, is down to earth and helps put you ...


      Aimee Parent from Washington

      Edward B.

      Edward has been amazing supporting my daughter with her study towards her maths GCSE. He really listens to the student and taylors the learn...


      Gary Parent from Washington

      Anna T.

      Anna has help so much with my A level Spanish. I can’t thank her enough and am going to miss my lesson. Thank you Anna xx


      Andrea Parent from Washington

      Schools and universities in Sunderland trust us too

      As part of our nationwide Schools Programme, we deliver one-to-one support in schools near Sunderland to target pupils’ learning gaps and complement the curriculum. Our lessons are a timetabled feature and pupils who have tuition with us improve by +1.7 grades on average.

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