492,457 reviews from thousands of parents and students like you.
Anthony Parent from London
An excellent and very knowledgeable tutor
Teresa Student from London
Sarah Parent from Ross-on-Wye
Maja is a great tutor and I can’t recommend her highly enough. She is a very thorough and the lessons are well organised. My daughter is dyslexic and Maja’s teaching methods helped my daughter pass GCSE English language (resit) and sociology.
Selahattin Parent from Ingatestone
it was fabulous. I learned a lot today
Ibrahim Parent from wakefield
great tutor!
Anthony Parent from Derby
First chemistry lesson for my son was excellent. We are looking forward to the upcoming lessons.
Umu Parent from Birmingham
Teodora as a tutor has really helped improved my understanding of different topics.If i dont understand a topic she will go over it in great detail also she has been very helpful
Sarah Parent from Leighton Buzzard
so helpful and lovely
Bruno Student from Slough
Neil Parent from London
super helpful!
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