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The important thing in this sentence is weight. Weight is measured in grams and kilograms. Where 1000 grams is equivalent to 1 kilogram. Therefore we can eliminate B 2 litres , D 200 mm. The other ...
i) 3 is the only prime number (be careful not to say 1, because 1 is NOT prime)ii) 9 is the only square numberiii) 24 is the only multiple of 4
Multiply both numerators and denominator by the opposite denominators to get 3(2x+5)/(2x+5)(x+1) and 4x(x+1)/(2x+5)(x+1). Now the denominators are both equal so we can combine into one fraction and add th...
Mark ordered 78 apples, this is because there are 13 in each of the six boxes he ordered. On your calculator 6x13=78, therefore he ordered 78 apples.
3 eggs = £4.80£4.80/3 = £1.601 egg = £1.604 slices of bread = £3.00£3.00/4 = £0.751 slice of bread = £0.751 egg and 1 slice of bread = £1.60 + £0.75 = £2.35
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