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Practice is the best way - that being said there are some tricks you can use.It's often easier to change the way you represent a number. For example, consider 99 x 8799 is very close to 100, which is a mu...
It's often helpful to use a 4/5 sentence structure for your conclusion. E.g. To what extent was WW1 responsible for the political changes in Russia by th...
Pressure only effects those elements that are in Gaseous state. Therefor when you increase the pressure in a reaction the gas molecules are closer together, there is an increase in density of molecules. W...
Neurons are sometimes referred to as brain cells, but they aren't only found in the brain - and they aren't the only type of cell that makes up the brain! In fact, you have one hundred million in your gut...
Sympatric speciation occurs between populations of an ancestral species that inhabit the same geographical area. Allopatric speciation occurs between populations of an ancestral species that become isolat...
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