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A recessive inheritance pattern means that 2 copies of the mutant allele need to be inherited for the individual to be affected. The disease is X linked, meaning the allele is only found on the X chromoso...
A haploid cell contains half the number of chromosome, for example a haploid human cell would have 23 chromosomes as opposed to 46. These haploid cells will be the sperm or egg cell (the gametes) A diploi...
What is it?Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary gland (in the brain), that acts on the nephron in the kidney, specifically the dist...
The ribosome acts as a translator, by binding to an mRNA and 'reading' the codon codeA codon is 3 bases on an mRNA, and each codon encodes an amino acidThe ribosome brings the tRNAs with the correct antic...
An action potential is the propagation of the reversal of charge across a membrane voltage gated Na+ ion channels sense a change in membrane potential causing them to open Na+ moves down its concentration...
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