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Five of the most useful theories which are easily applied to exams questions are:
Romaine states that language changes as a result of internal infl...
Hyponyms and hypernyms are both terms that come under the lexis/semantics section of English language. A hypernym describes a more broad term, for example cutlery, or dog. A hyponym is a more specialis...
First of all, consider the different approaches taken by theorists.
Once you know the approaches and understand what they mean, start to look at particular theorists that belong to each...
The Universal Grammar Theory proposes that we are all born with the innate ability to learn languages. More specifically, this theory states that the capacity to learn grammar is hard-wired in our brai...
The four main theorists and theories in the field of child language acquisition are as follows:
The innateness theory - Noam Chomsky. This theory suggests that chil...
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