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Key advice for an answer:You must come up with a point/a line of argument: In King Lear, Shakespeare subverts ordinary early-modern views of hierarchy and natural order t...
Within literary criticism, scholars are usually concurrent in their view of Ophelia and Gertrude’s ‘frailty’. However, this may be an unfair reading of their character as contextually, the agency afforded...
(Extracts from a longer answer)The tragedy in ‘La Belle Dame’ could be argued to be the knight’s sitting on a ‘cold hill side’ waiting for his love. At a deeper level the tragedy in ‘La Belle Dame’ emerge...
In both Dracula and Little Stranger, good and evil is a prominent theme which is not only showcased through the characters in each novel, rather through other aspects like setting and narrative voice. Thu...
The overwhelming totalitarianism exerted by the political regimes presented to us by Margaret Atwood and George Orwell arguably serve to completely control their citizens. The notion of government control...
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