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When trying to analyse what an authour is attempting to do, it is important to not only to look at the type of language and literary techiques they have used, but also the context in which they are writin...
Many exam boards, as part of their assessment objectives, require students to discuss literary texts with their historical/social context in mind - however it should not dominate an answer as relaying his...
One of the ways Shakespeare presents the way jealousy mars the love between Othello and Desdemona in this passage and elsewhere in the play is through the deterioration of Othello’s language as his jealou...
Discussing the context in which a literary work was written is essential if you wish to access the top grades at A-Level, however this can be notoriously difficult to do well. It is important that your co...
In the poem 'Up-Hill', it is never explicitly mentioned that this "road up-hill" is to Heaven, but the presence of an anonymous voice, answering all of the speaker's questions, certainly has an ...
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