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Whilst this question is quite extract specific, you want to approach it in a broad way, using a method you can replicate for any extract/text. First, break down the question. Concerted with presentation o...
In their initial discussion of the character, Prospero admits to his daughter Miranda – and to an extent, to the audience - that Caliban “serves in offices that profit us” and therefore he and Miranda “ca...
Despite the 38 years between publication, the two contrasting texts of the play ‘A streetcar named Desire’ and the dystopian novel, ‘The Handmaids Tale’ both explore the theme of the juxtaposing emotions ...
The transition from childhood to adulthood is a tumultuous and life defining phase of anyone’s life. This naturally proceeds with a person making mistakes, hurting, learning and eventually maturing - but ...
Through his portrayal of Othello, our tragic hero who we see transform from a noble soldier to an aggressive madman, Shakespeare expresses the harsh realities of jealousy. Iago declares to Othello, 'O bew...
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