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I find that clarity is the most important thing in essay writing. Knowing exactly what point you are trying to make is something I feel is often overlooked. Personally, it helps me to draw out a rough pl...
Throughout both "The Whitsun Weddings" collection and the novel “The Great Gatsby” the themes of love and fantasy are frequently explored and shown by both poet and author to be somewhat interch...
An A level question requires a sound structure in order for the content to answer the question. The standard point, evidence, explain structure can be developed in order to meet the required assessment ob...
In A Streetcar Named Desire, Williams presents a kind of ‘crisis of masculinity’ in working class post-WWII America. Through the characters of Stanley and Mitch (both war veterans), masculinity is present...
A good essay always starts with a good plan. It is obvious to a reader/examiner whether or not the writer has put in time to plan. This does not only mean that the writer has thought about the ideas they ...
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