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I will answer this in note form/with bullet points, and in an actual lesson we would go over how to link these together and develop the essay.Yes she is accountable...She tells an actual lie and is aware ...
Essays are an examination of your knowledge, understanding and response to a particular topic, subject or text. In planning an essay that pertains to a specified question, relate your opening hypothesis d...
Following Owen's experience as an Anglican and a soldier after working for a vicarage, his disillusionment with politics, war, and Christianity is therefore bound to his depiction of sacrifice, as t...
Approach this question as if you’re having an argument with yourself about what the author meant and why, in which neither side agrees or will budge. The stronger side will shine through. Do not panic!Answered by Jake H. • English tutor7948 Views
Close analysis questions at A Level English require a lot of detailed attention to the text provided. In the extract based questions, examiners are looking for detailed understanding of language and its e...
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