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Grammar is key: as the hardest aspect of the French language, proving you have this under control is vital. Be bold: use subjunctives e.g. Il me semble pas que (it doesn't seem to me), Pourvu que (provide...
You take the infinitive, check to see if it's in MRS VANDERTRAMP, if it is then the auxiliary verb will be 'etre' and the past participle will need to agree in number and gender with the subject. If the v...
My parents want me to go to university so that I can get a good job, but I prefer passing time making music to studying, so I doubt I will pass my exams this year
Si vous avez lu des journaux, ou si vous avez régardé des actualités, vous sauriez que les manifestations sont devenues plus et plus étendues en France récemment. Beaucoup d'étudiants sortent dans les rue...
We would use the subjunctive tense when talking about an event which is uncertain, possibilities. For example: "Il est possible qu'il soit là demain" (it's possible that he will be there tomorr...
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