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Unlike in English, French only has one form of the present tense. This means that, no matter how tempting it may be, both 'I do my homework' and 'I am doing my homework' should be translated in exactly th...
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Le film 'La Haine' est un film qui donne une vision pessimiste de la période de la société française qu'il montre, avec des éléments anti-autoritaires. Premièrement, l'image que Kassovitz donne de la poli...
By default it is always better "vous" which is the polite form for "you", which you would use for a teacher, while "tu" should only be used with friends and close family memb...
In English we only use genders for people. In French everything has a gender and knowing it will allow you to use the right article, pronouns and ending of adjectives.There are no absolute rules on ...
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