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Best way to prepare for an Oral exam:Practise speakingHave as much conversation in French as possible, with friends or a tutor (it doesn’t necessarily need to be on the topics, any...
The first question you must ask yourself is whether your sentance contains a description of the scene or an action within the scene, For example, il neigeait (it was snowing) is descriptive and so it ...
In your written exam, you may need to conjugate verbs correctly but without being told which tense they should be, or whether or not they should be in the subjunctive.
Instead of trying t...
1- What is the subjunctive?
It is a mood (not a tense!) which expresses uncertain ideas.
2- So when do I use it?
Set phrases with 'que'
This question requires the student to do two things: analyse the messages that the writer is trying to convey to the reader, by discussing all aspects of the novel including the plot, characters and the s...
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