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The role of Parliament is split between the House of Commons and the House of Lords, and they both have different but compatible roles in holding the government to account over policy, actions and legisla...
One reason why pressure groups could be considered good for democracy is that they give a voice to minorities that may be struggling to be heard within society. Without pressure groups, citizens may find ...
How to structure an exam question - this relies on the introduction which should state:Line of argument (1 sentence)Why this is your opinion - in this case, what does 'too powerful' mean. This requires an...
A constitution is a set of rules and principles which set out the relationship between a state’s political institutions. It establishes where sovereignty lies in the political system, as ...
First Past the Post is the voting system used across the UK (although used in combination with the Party List System in Scotland!). In this system, each voter places a single vote for a candidate standing...
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