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First Past the Post (FPTP) and Proportional Representation (PR) voting systems have different aims, produce different sorts of legislatures and have different consequences for a democracy's party system. ...
On one hand, one might suggest that the United Kingdom does suffer from a democratic deficit. The U.K. does not hold a codified constitution with an entrenched Bill of Rights, as seen in the United States...
It can be contended that the most important feature of religious fundamentalism is the lack of distinction between religion and politics as opposed to anti-modernism, as this aspect of the ideology has th...
There are 4 access points that pressure groups can utilise in American government:Congress - lacks party allegiance, receives funding from pressure groups, and can be influenced through committees.Executi...
The Electoral College is not the best method because campaigns focus on swing states, demonstrated by the fact that in the 2012 Presidential Election, 38 states were not visited a single time. This may ca...
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