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Historiography is history as written by academics who are experts in the areas they have studied, and so their commentary and interpretations are regarded as reliable and credible. Though not explicitly n...
Primary sources offer you the chance to engage with a true piece of History - instead of taking a textbook's word, you can formulate your own opinion on the matter. Start by asking yourself what the sourc...
Students may be tempted to answer this question in chronological order or by country or ethnicity. Don’t! Always sort your points thematically, no matter how broad the question might seem. It is important...
Through both coercion and a newfound sense of pride and community within Germany. By playing on post WW1 fears of economic downturn, weak government and a weak Germany internationally, Hitler promised to ...
Industrialisation transformed 19th century Britain from a predominantly agricultural to an industrialised and mechanised nation; this ‘workshop of the world’ resulted in the landscape changing ...
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