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An introduction to any history essay that is asking you to asses or evaluate and argument or interpretation should being with your personal standpoint and argument being outlined without using the first p...
In this famous piece of anti-Japanese propaganda, ‘This Is The Enemy’, the message to the American public of the early 1940s seems obvious at first reading, and yet contains layers of meaning. We will fir...
Unlike in GCSE History, at A Level the arguments you make in your essay need to link together to then provide an answer to the question. Let's take the question "why did war break out in North Americ...
The invention and proliferation of the automobile definitely changed the face of America to a very large extent. This can be seen through the effects the car had on American culture, business, and...
There are many reasons why the Conservative governments stayed in power for so long and remained successful during the 1950s. Firstly, they kept the 'feel good' factor high amoungst the public by discardi...
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