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Long form answers can be difficult to get to grips with so don't worry about finding them intimidating, but hopefully I can give you a few tips that makes them seem a little less daunting. Firstly, I am g...
Whilst voting rights were granted in the context of considerable public pressure, the principal reason the franchise was extended 1867-1885 was due to a trend of changing attitudes, both within party and ...
In the period 1972-1979 the superpowers were reconciled to but never committed to détente, in the sense of a comprehensive relaxation of tensions. Crucially neither superpower intended détente as settling...
Eisenhower’s “New Look” Policy, advocating “massive retaliation” and the “rollback” of Communism appeared to diverge from Truman’s approach, yet essentially maintained the basis of the Containment policy....
Introduction: Outline key features of introduction in relation to questionHistoriographical justification for question: Neale would suggest that she was very unsuccessful; cites examples of vocal Protesta...
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