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This is a big question with lots of important parts. Put simply though, writing an essay is all about argument and answering your question. You must make sure a very clear argument runs t...
While many complex and intertwining factors including the Soviet economy, German mistakes, Lend-Lease aid and the determination of the Soviet people arguably all contributed to Soviet victory over the Weh...
At A level, there are 3 key elements of these source questions that must be addressed in any answer. These are: 1) content, 2) provenance and 3) tone. Discussing each one in turn: 1) The content of the so...
Historiography refers to different historians’ written interpretations of events and periods of history. In order to analyse different historians’ arguments, it is important to determine how far the histo...
One crucial thing to remember, which is such a common mistake by students, is to remember it is an EXTRACT. The texts are not "sources", they are extracts from historians writing their take on t...
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