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I would be looking for an answer to divide up the factors as the student sees fit but still allowing coherent analysis. Assessing cultural, economic and social factors would an obvious way to tackle this ...
This question is not just about the lend-lease programme but rather about the reasons why the USSR were victorious in World War Two. In approaching this question, the advantages and disadvantages of the l...
In approaching an essay question like this you need to consider the time span in question. After this, plan the question and separate your answer into three key factors. One of the three key factors in yo...
This question can be broken down and judged upon several different criteria. These are whether England was legally protestant, i.e. whether the church as an establishment had severed its ties with the Pap...
This statement is true to a certain extent, however there were some factors that were out of Lloyd George's hands. For example, Lloyd George was not to blame for the state of Britain's economy after the F...
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