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Exam questions will often ask you to assess the usefulness of a source(s) to a historian or to consider how convincing or relevant certain sources are. Whilst it is important to demonstrate your source an...
The most important thing is to form a plan and know what your thoughts are on the question before you start writing. This will help you avoid going off on tangents in the main body of the essay. It is als...
Include the counter-argument in order to demonstrate you have not dismissed Historical events which may contradict your main argument in relation to your answer. Always acknowledge the other view whilst l...
This depends on how you wish to construct your argument.One on hand, if you were asked "What factors enabled the improvement of the West German economy following the Second World War?", yo...
The French Revolution was the culmination of an inherently unstable class system brought into crisis due to short term triggers involving Louis XVI’s personal shortcomings, changing cultural attitudes und...
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