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The unseen translation can seem the most daunting part of the exam, especially when you have to deal with Latin poets who miss out words and prepositions all the time! Firstly, I would say that vocabulary...
It is very good that you can already spot them, that in itself is not always obvious or easy! The important thing is to then explain their effect. What do they add to the passage? Look at the context and ...
Quite simply, you comment on anything that’s interesting. A wise man once said to me that best way to pick out what’s interesting about a text would be to work out what you would remove to render the text...
What we first recognise about Tacitus and his characters is that, in spite of his notorious claim “consilium mihi pauca […] tradere […] sina ira et studio”, “my aim is to relate a few accounts without ang...
The important thing to remember for these questions is to be as focused as possible - the examiner doesn't want a thesis!
You need to provide 4 points from the passage, which comment on both the Answered by William T. • Latin tutor1750 Views
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