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y = x^x -- Yikes! Doesn't that look ugly. It's mostly the x^x part, since ... to the x is fine, and x to the ... is fine. We must split the two x's in order to continue. Perhaps we ...
In simple terms a log is asking what power do I need to raise the base to to get that answer.For example log232.In this case the "base" is 2.So what power do you have to raise 2 to, t...
Practical applications of calculus occur more often than you would think. The most common example of them being applied to real world problems is through the relationship between distance and time. The...
Recall: We treat inequality in a similar manner to the equal sign.
The steps are:
1. Collect like terms
2. Simplify
3x – 7 > 3 ...
What are the maxima and minima?The maxima of a function f(x) are all the points on the graph of the function which are 'local maximums'. A point where x=a is a local max...
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