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A good way to approach this question is to first expand the brackets . This gives 12x2 - 21x + 20x - 35 (remember to take the negative seven into account). We can then simplify this to give 12x...
Answer: (x+7)/(2x)
Write down y = 1/x3 This can be rewritten as y = 1x-3 or just y = x-3 as if the x is on the bottom of the fraction, it can be rewritten with a negative version of the powe...
For a proof like this, I like to start with the more difficult-looking side, and aim to end up with the expression on the other side. Starting with the left hand side, the first thing to change is the sin...
To determine the answer the gradient of both lines must be found. To find the gradient of line l1 the equation can be rewritten in the form y = mx + c. 4y - 3x = 10 so y = 3/4 x + 5/2. From this equation ...
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