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Inversion chords serve mutiple functions in the harmonic workings of a Bach chorale. First and foremost, they allow you to keep the bassline conjunct and smooth, whilst also making the harmonic progressio...
A sonata form is a musical structure that originated from a ternary form (a three part form); coming into recognition in the early Classical era. Despite variations in the form, the general form consists ...
Answer depends on set works. Look at instrumentation for each - compare to each other, and to standard orchestrations of the time. References to how orchestras developed, or in case of modern music how en...
The best way to go about answering analysis questions is with a clear structure in your head of all the features you want to explore. The THIRST4Music template below should ensure ...
Correli's Trio Sonata is a classic example of a baroque work written in 1689. This is demonstrated firstly by the use of melodic ornamentation. An important feature of baroque music, baroque art was drive...
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