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It's all about making the connections between what you're hearing and what you understand is going on. Your A-Level Anthology should be heavily annotated with all important explanations in there. The best...
Given that the music is supposed to set the scene of a classical period, it is unsurprising that Portman uses an oom-cha-cha bass accompaniment in ‘Six Years Later’, a typical characteristic of the waltz ...
There is a chromatic descending ground bass ostinato played by a viol. This is archetypal of baroque recitativesThe continuo is written for a viol consort. Viols are the baroque predecessors to common vio...
You could think of a 'harmonic device' as a 'harmonic technique' e.g. circle of fifths or chromaticism. When a question is asking what harmonic device is being used it is likely to be very obvious e.g a c...
The function of the musical cadence in western music is to either create tension at the end of a musical phrase to lead into another segment of music, or to definitively conclude a musical phrase. This is...
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