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The photoelectric effect occurs when individual photons are incident on a clean metal surface. The photons are absorbed by electrons in the clean metal surface and they are released as photoelectrons. The...
A star begins its life from Hydrogen gas. Gas particles of Hydrogen gas are brought together due to the gravitational force of attraction between them. There is an increase in Kinetic Energy of these gas ...
There are two main features if an object is in SHM. The first is that it has a fixed maximum amplitude. That is to say, if the mean (halfway between the maximum values of oscillation (+ve and -ve)) displa...
The nucleus of the atoms are usually in excited states after performing a beta decay. By emitting a photon, the nucleus recover stability. The emitted photon has the same energy as the excess energy of th...
In both an elastic and inelastic collision momentum is conserved, however in an elastic collision the total kinetic energy is the same before and after the collision. In an inelastic collision kinetic ene...
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