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When an ambulance drives away from you it has a lower pitch than when it is stationary. The faster the ambulance drives away from you the lower the pitch of it's siren will be. This is called the Doppler ...
The cycle of compression in both the engines are different in the thermodynamic terms. The spark ignition engine is a gasoline or petrol engine which is based on the otto cycle. It uses a spark generated ...
By definition, dn/dt = - λ N ,If you separate the variables which contain N and t, and then integrate w.r.t N and w.r.t t you get, lnN = -λt + C (1),...
The first step is to calculate the initial energy of the system. at the moment of throwing. Energy is comprised of both potential (given by Mgh) and kinetic(given by 0.5Mv^2), and so the initial energy is...
A) symmetrical straight lines coming out of the particle, with arrows pointing away from the particle. A useful tool in answering these questions is to imagine what would happen if you placed a second pos...
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