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While it is important to make sure that you answer the question properly and get the full marks, you also have to be quick, concise and efficient given the tight time constraints in the exam. You should a...
Realists (sometimes more specifically termed 'neorealists') believe that the international system is defined by anarchy, meaning the absence of a central authority. It is from this core belief that realis...
First-past-the-post is the electoral system used for the UK General Election. The UK is divided into constituencies and each citizen gets one vote. The candidate in each constituency with the most votes b...
Both Classical Liberals such as John Locke and Neo-Liberals such as Robert Nozick have similar views on State intervention into the lives of its individual citizens. Both strains of liberalism believe tha...
Hyperglobalisers would argue that the strongest evidence which shows that the impact of globalisation on the state system has not been exaggerated is the effect that economic globalisation has had. Econom...
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