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Age is a primacy social factor that influences how a voter casts their vote. One way age is a factor is that there is a trend showing that younger voters are more likely to vote Democrat and older voters ...
Before we can decide if nationalism can exist without nation-states, it is important to first clarify and define what we mean by 'nationalism' and 'nation-states'. Nationalism refers to the cultural simil...
Politics can often be brought down to 2 principles; perceptions and narratives. When David Cameron conceded and decided to hold an EU referendum in order to appease UKIP's right wing voting base, he did s...
Congress has become the weakest branch of government. Traditionally Congress has exercised the right to enforce decisions made by the Supreme Court, which would suggest that they are more powerful. Howeve...
A common question asked by a lot of students at all levels!
You must remember to always refer back to the mark scheme for the exam that you will be taking. When looking at past pap...
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