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AO1 pointsemphasised and demonstrated importance of learning and environment for explaining/shaping behaviourincluding consequences reinforcemnt and punsihment , if rewarded behaviour more likely repeated...
The Uncontrolled Stimulus (UCS) of a parent prior conditioning would not prompt a response of happiness (or attachment, the uncontrolled response) until it has been repeatedly paired with the neutral stim...
Both one-tailed and two-tailed hypothesis are examples of alternative or experimental hypothesis, which predict there will be a psychological effect. A one tailed hypothesis, also known as a directional h...
The cognitive interview is an interview technique used in order to aid memory and improve accuracy of eye witness statements. The interview consists of four aspects: 'recall everything', 'reverse the orde...
AO1 -40 male participants2 confederates - Experimenter and learnerLearning task - 15V increment shock300V = heard screaming 100% reached this65% reached 450V fatal shockPrompts and prods throughout - the ...
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