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The behaviourist approach believes that behaviour is mainly influenced by our environment, specifically stimulus-response associations. They seek a nurture view to behaviour, suggesting that we are born w...
The process of synaptic transmission is when one neuron communicates with another. An electrical impulse, or action potential, will travel down the axon and reach the end of the neuron (the axon terminal)...
There are a variety of variables that impact obedience. For example, external or situational variables could include the presence of a uniform being worn by the authority figure, this has been shown to in...
Bowlby proposed that attachment is innate. Attachment is essential for early survival as the caregiver provides shelter for the child. Without having a caregiver, infants would not survive into adulthood ...
Comorbidity within the diagnosis of schizophrenia refers to two or more conditions occurring together. For schizophrenia, comorbid disorders include depression, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress diso...
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