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The Golden mean is a vital facet of Aristotle’s' virtue theory so it is important that it is understood and can be easily applied to any question.
The virtues that surround Aristotle’s e...
Atheism and agnosticism are umbrella terms which cover a wide variety of different beliefs and knowledge claims about the existence of God. Atheism simply excludes the belief that God exists, or the kn...
Hi there! This is a great question as it shows you are aware that the exam isn't just about knowledge. In Edexcel Religious Studies, the main aim of your essays is to convey both content and the fact y...
The Verification Principle is the name for a theory coined in the early 20th century by the renowned philosopher, A.J. Ayer. Ayer and his contemporaries were known as 'Logical Positivists', as their wo...
The Euthyphro Dilemma, which asks whether what God commands is good because God commands it or because the things God wills are necessarily good and God is adhering to this standard, might raise some i...
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