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It is really important to demonstrate that you not only know the theory behind the Sociological argument, but that you can also link it to a current context! For example, if I was studying the Education i...
Socialisation is the process in which individuals learn the norms and values of society. There are two types of socialisation which are primary and secondary. Primary socialisation begins at childhood and...
Working class children are more likely to underachieve due to internal and external factors. External factors are the those that are culturally deprived meaning that it is outside of the education system ...
Marxists view education as a tool for the ruling class to maintain capitalist domination of society. By producing passive workers and ensuring cultural reproduction education is a powerful mechanism for r...
Marriage is the legally recognised union of two people as partners in a relationship. Theres a strong argument today that marriage has no future- there has been a significant decline in the last 40 years....
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