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In Spanish, every word has one syllable which is emphasised (or stressed) more than the others. Pronouncing single syllable words like yo, nos, ir, ver etc should be no problem, but what about words with ...
The subjunctive is used to express wishes, emotions, impersonal expressions, doubt/denial and ojalá. To remember these situations, the acronym WEIRDO is very helpful. Example of impersonal expressions inc...
The subjunctive is used to express wishes, emotions, impersonal expressions, doubt/denial and ojalá. To remember these siutations, the acronym WEIRDO is very helpful. Examples of impersonal expressions in...
'Por' and 'para' both usually translate into English as 'for'. There is no firm distinction between the two so it is necessary to learn when you would use either 'por' or 'para'.Por:...
Texto: Según el antiguo empresario y actual presidente Donald Drumpf, muchos de los problemas a los que se enfrentan los estadounidenses acabarán cuando se construya un “gran y hermoso muro” en la fronter...
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