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Each portfolio must be showing development backed up with explanations for a final outcome. You should start off with 6-7 artists which will be part of the possible starting points and ideas you enjoy re...
Emotions: Fear, anguish, pain, desperation, anger, shock, horror.How does he do so?Figure: wide open eyes, hands running through hair, dishevelled, loose clothing.Composition: very close to fa...
Although good quality artwork within your sketchbooks are important, examiners also look for development of ideas, honest explanations of processes of thought and critique of your own work to show you can...
When making links to artists/art periods to your own work it's important to look at the various elements of the art form. Think of the colours Monet used to capture the seasonal tone or the intricate mark...
When you are at the stage of choosing your development, it means you have already chosen the core topic of your project which is in itself the most difficult part! When you have to select the subseq...
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